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single mother working on a part time online MBA on her computer with the Flex program at Saint Rose

Earning a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree can be an important step in a business-related career. Whether professionals are starting toward the bottom of the ladder or want to add more skills to change careers or level up, an MBA can be a great option.

According to the Graduate Management Admissions Council, more than 96% of recruiters at Fortune Global 100 companies have MBA graduates as part of their hiring forecast as of 2018, and 90% of recruiters at Fortune Global 500 say the same thing.

An MBA can give professionals a leg up when they are trying to land positions at competitive corporations. In some cases, it may provide the best chance at getting in the door.

Even for those who are committed to their careers, it can be hard to devote enough time to advancing their education while working or taking care of families.

A full-time MBA program can take up to two years to complete, on average, and most people don’t have the flexibility to stop working that long. Fortunately, it’s possible to learn how to do an MBA part-time at the right institution.

For example, the Flex MBA option at The College of Saint Rose provides an excellent solution for many working professionals.

How to Do an MBA Part-Time

Working on a part-time MBA means it isn’t necessary to put off professional development — or earnings, in the name of education.

To earn an MBA part time, students take fewer courses per semester to earn the credits they need for the degree. The Flex MBA at Saint Rose allows students to fit coursework into their lives instead of shifting everything around to fit a particular course load.

How to Do an MBA While Working

The Flex MBA option from Saint Rose is ideal for those who want to do an MBA while working. Because the program allows students to switch seamlessly between online learning, classroom lectures, and asynchronous video learning, it offers true flexibility.

Flexibility means students can finish their degrees at their own pace.

Is a Part-Time MBA Worth It?

The Flex MBA program at Saint Rose features the same rigorous academic requirements as full-time MBA programs, so the professional and financial rewards are comparable.

Flex MBA students must earn 36 total graduate credits to complete their degrees and have an option to add a concentration in cybersecurity, healthcare management, management, or marketing.

The rewards for attending Saint Rose are tremendous, whether students choose a part-time MBA program or another option. So, why not offer yourself the flexibility that you need?

Explore the Flex Program at Saint Rose

If you’re ready to take the leap and improve your career and earning capabilities, learn more about the Flex MBA program at The College of Saint Rose today

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